Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!!

I'm a bit behind, considering my birthday was a few weeks ago but......This year for my birthday, I got one of the best gifts ever. My best friend gave me a Garmin GPS Watch!! I had been wanting one for some time, so that I could track my runs without having to carry my heavy phone with me. In the winter it is easy to carry along but with the summer coming, I won't have anywhere to keep it. I was certainly not expecting to get one for my birthday, let alone such an awesome one.

I finally had a chance to sit down and figure out all of the settings and capabilities that it has. The Garmin Forerunner 405, is awesome! I thought it was going to be difficult to set up but once I took the time to look up some directions, it was pretty easy. It is extremely accurate and very light. I finally got the heart rate monitor synced ( a bit of a challenge because I initially set up the HR settings wrong) and I can't wait to take it out for a run tomorrow.

Now that summer is on it's way, I have made some changes to my usual get-up. I have traded in my iPod for an ipod Nano that I can clip onto my shirt. I also switched up my phone run tracker for my fancy new watch. Any change in the usual routine throws me off a bit at first but after a few 'adjustment' run I'm sure things will be right back on track.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Back on track...I hope

So, just as I have taken a break from keeping up with this blog, I have taken a break from running. It wasn't planned or intentional but I took a 4 week intensive summer course that really messed with my schedule. I was on such a routine with my morning runs, work, tutoring and kickboxing that something had to trade out for homework and writing papers. So the last few weeks I have clocked about 10 miles a week, which isn't great, but i guess it's still something.

I started back up with my morning runs, which feels great. I wish each morning that I struggle to get out of bed, I could just get a taste of how great I will feel after I get back from my run. It helps me start my day in such a positive way! So now that I am back on track, the 26.2 seem that much more daunting. Up until not I have only run a 13.5 miles. It just seems so difficult to get past that 15 mile mark but I think once I do it, it will get progressively easier.

I am signing up for a few races this summer to keep me on track. I will be doing a triathlon in July, a half marathon in august, some warrior dash/muds runs along the way and an 18 miler in LBI the week before the full. This summer I am hoping to keep up with my early runs so that I can't use the heat as a reason not to train!

Only time will tell, but I am determined!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Official....and recent updates

It's Official....I registered for the Hartford CT ING Marathon in October. A little less then 180 days and counting....

I made my decision to register after the race I ran this past weekend. It was the Rutgers Unite CGI Half Marathon. The course got shortened at the last minute due to flooding, son instead of the 13.1 I was ready to conquer, I only had to run 9.55 miles. Although my time and pace were great compared to previous races (7:59 min miles) I was bummed because I could have kept up this pace for another 3.55 miles and completed my fastest half to date. But life goes on. 

After the race we went out for post run beers and one of the girls that was there with us, mentioned that she had run a full before. I began talking to her about the training and she said "if you can run a half you can definitely run a full."  That day I made up my mind that I was going to register and there was no turning back. I hope that I can continue with my training for the next 6 months so that I am ready.

All along, I have thought that I could do it without following one of those silly training plans and just listen to my body and get it done, but after talking to some friends, I think I am going to cave and use a training plan. I would be pretty bummed if I got an injury just because of my own stubbornness and wasn't able to run the race I have my heart set on. 

After the Marathon (bear with me, I am about to get a bit ahead of myself here)  I am going to register for the Disney Goofy run, which is a half marathon on Saturday, followed by a full marathon on Sunday. 39.3 miles in less then 48 hours....oh boy...I think if I can get through the full and be ok, I will be able to do it though, because currently, running 13.1 miles is much easier then it used to be. I can only imagine how easy it will seem once I conquer 26.  So those are my long term goals for the next year.

As far as short term they are:   I have a half coming up on May 15 which I hope to complete in under 1:55. This will be a challenge because my running buddy/pacer will not be running with me :( But a friend from the gym will be running it, although she is much faster then me. Who knows, maybe I will surprise myself and be able to keep up with her (in my dreams).  The day before the half, I am running the MetroDash, which is an obstacle course designed by Navy Seals. It involves all sorts of climbing, jumping, lifting and sprinting and I can't wait. My summer is going to be filled with racing, and I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Back in the Groove

When I was training for my half marathon, at this time last year, I was running at least 6 miles a day and I loved it. Over the summer though, I slacked off. I am finally back in the groove where running 6 miles feels easy and I hope that I have the time to run more each day. This weekend I ran 9 miles one day, 7 the next and this morning I woke up at 4am to run another 7. I feel that following or preceding my runs with a kickboxing class helps my endurance, stamina and flexibility. It strengthens the muscles in my body in different ways then running does, which I think helps prevent injury. I have found that this time around I have much more internal motivation. I think a lot of this stems from the fact that I have already done this. I know in my mind that I am perfectly capable of completing this and pushing past it for a full marathon. I am planning on running an 18 mile race before the full in October though, just to get that mental 3/4 (ish) mark.
This weekend I finally purchased a new pair of running sneakers. Unfortunately they are being ordered and will not be in for another few days. But I figure that I have already waited this long, what is another few days. I stuck to the tried and true,Saucony Guide 3  The problem was they only had them in Blue. My old ones are blue and I wanted to change it up with some pink. Hopefully they will be in soon and I will be running in comfort and style in no time :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rough Roads Ahead

Let me begin by saying that I used to HATE running, with a passion. Before I began training for my first race, I couldn't fathom why anyone would ever want to run 6, let alone 26 miles, for pleasure! I started running because of a group of girls at the school in which I work. I owe them the credit for my new found love. We have earned the name Team Turtle amongst those close to us. We ran our first half marathon together in May of 2010. It was easily one of the best and most rewarding experiences.  The training took a lot of my time. In addition to running, I also spent a lot of time kickboxing, which I think helped me greatly on race day. One of the best things I did during my training was (against advice of every training program created) running the fill 13.1 before race day. This gave me the mentality that I CAN DO IT.    When I crossed that finish line for the first time 2 things ran through my head (no pun intended) : 1. I could easily run another few miles  and 2. when can I do this again! Team Turtle successfully finished that first race and we were so proud of ourselves. 

Since that first half, I have run several 5 and 10 K's as well as another half marathon shortly after my first. I have never been in such great shape in my life! But after those two halfs, I slacked off with my running. It was summer time and I had other priorities: enjoying my break from work, going to the beach and relaxing.  Recently, I have gotten back into it full speed ahead. At work we are doing a biggest loser challenge. This initially motivated me to start back on track but since I have found my motivation else where.   I am not running to win the challenge but because I remember how great it makes me feel.   This school year I have an incredibly full plate: I teach, tutor, instruct at a kickboxing gym and am working towards my Master's Degree. To say that I am overwhelmed some days is an understatement.   Although I have a to do list a mile long each day, nothing makes me feel quite as good as a nice long run. When I run, I am happy. I can take the time to think about things that are going on in my life or in my day, I can have quiet time alone (or with a running buddy at times) and just focus on nothing but that next mile. 

Now that we are all up to speed on what has been going on up until now, here is whats to come. I am running a few races in the next few months. 10K in March, half in April and half in May. My goal is to run a marathon before 2012. I not only want to run it, but I want to finish it in less then 4:30-5:00 hours. I started running again in January. When I started I was the heaviest that I have been in my whole life! since then I have dropped 13 lbs and 5% body fat. I am happy with the progress that I am making and hope that it continues and I return to the shape I was in in May. 

Why am I writing this blog? Recently, I have had many people ask me about the training that am doing and the training that I have done in the past. I thought, what better way to document then in a blog. This way, it is posted for anyone to see.  This week I am off from school, so I am trying to take advantage of my time. Up until today, I have done 6 miles on my 'long' runs and 4 on my short runs.  Today I ran 9 miles in the morning and taught a class and took a class at the kickboxing gym. I felt great after my run but each squat and lunge at CKO made me cringe at the thought of the soreness that is to come. I was worried that my shin splints would act up on my run today. They had become a problem when I was training last year. Since then I have tried KT tape, which works wonders, but takes time to apply and Zensah Compression leg sleeves. Those work wonders. I have not had a problem with my shins since I started wearing them. Along the way, I will be sure share any tips and tid bits that I find work for me, because I know that I wish I had heard some of the things I've discovered before I learned the hard way :)